Performance Measures:
PS – PM #10 (Relates to Priority
Strategy 6): Performance measure for the highest needs
population (the sickest) TBD.
Actual 02/03: N/A
Target 03/04: TBD
Target 04/05: TBD
Target 05/06: TBD
For designated Chronic Disease Management (CDM) conditions
(in 2002/03 Congestive Heart Failure and Diabetes; in
2003/04 Asthma, Kidney Disease, Depression and Arthritis):
PS – PM #11 (Relates to Priority
Strategy 7): Adherence to clinical best practices for
managing chronic diseases measured by use of evidence-based
quality benchmarks. (Will report on diabetes for 2003/04;
other major chronic conditions to be added in subsequent
Diabetes: Percentage of patients with diabetes
receiving at least 2 blood glucose (HbA1c) tests during
the year.
Target 02/03: 45%
Target 03/04: 55%
Target 04/05: 60%
Target 05/06: 65%
PS – PM #12 (Relates to Priority
Strategy 7): Appropriate prescribing of and compliance
with drugs for one or more chronic conditions where
drug therapy is key (e.g., asthma).
Target 02/03: N/A
Target 03/04: Determine baseline and set targets
Target 04/05: TBD
Target 05/06: TBD
PS – PM #13 (Relates to Priority
Strategy 8): Palliative care performance measure TBD.
Actual 02/03: N/A
Target 03/04: TBD
Target 04/05: TBD
Target 05/06: TBD
PS – PM #14 (Relates to Priority
Strategy 9): Improved health status for Aboriginal peoples
measured by infant mortality and life expectancy.
Long-term target: Comparable health status
between Aboriginal people and other residents of BC.
Target 02/03: Improvement in Status Indian
infant mortality and life expectancy, from 1991–1999
Target 03/04: Improvement in Status Indian
infant mortality and life expectancy, from 1991–1999
Target 04/05: Status Indian infant mortality
rate equal to that of other residents of B.C.; continued
improvement in Status Indian life expectancy.
Target 05/06: Status Indian infant mortality
rate equal to that of other residents of B.C.; continued
improvement in Status Indian life expectancy.