Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Core Business: Services Delivered by Partners

1. High Quality Patient Care
Objective 1: Provide care at the appropriate level in the appropriate setting by shifting the mix of acute/institutional care to more home/community care. Objective 2: Provide tailored care for key segments of the population to better address their specific health care needs and improve their quality of life. Objective 3: Keep people as healthy as possible by preventing disease, illness and disability and slowing the progression of chronic illness to minimize suffering and reduce care costs in the future. Objective 4: Manage within the available budget while meeting the priority needs of the population.
Priority Strategy 1: Hospital Admissions Prevention through Increased Community Care Options: Prevent unnecessary hospitalizations by providing patients with better access to family physicians, specialists and other providers and services in the community.

Priority Strategy 2: Post-Acute (hospital care) Alternatives: Provide appropriate community health support to enable timely discharge of patients from hospital once the need for acute medical care has ended.

Priority Strategy 3: Effective Management of Acute Care Services in Hospitals: Plan for and manage the demand on emergency health services and surgical and procedural services.

Priority Strategy 4: Alternatives to Institutional Care: Help elderly and disabled individuals avoid institutionalization and remain as independent as possible in their own homes and communities by increasing the range of supportive housing environments and community care options, while reserving residential institutions for patients with the most complex care needs.

Priority Strategy 5: Build the Foundation for Integrated Care Networks:

a. Connect physicians and other health care professionals to diagnostic services, hospitals, and each other.

b. Provide a continuum of services in each health authority for mental health patients that better integrates primary, secondary, community and tertiary mental health care and is integrated with the larger care networks.

Performance Measures:

PS – PM #1 (Relates to Priority Strategy 1): Rates of admission for conditions that could be managed outside hospital (conditions classified as "may not require hospitalization").

Target 02/03: 5% decrease over prior year

Target 03/04: 5% decrease over prior year*

Target 04/05: 5% decrease over prior year*

Target 05/06: 5% decrease over prior year*

(*targets established using 2000/01 data. Targets will be revisited once 01/02 baseline data are available)

PS – PM #2 (Relates to Priority Strategy 1): NurseLine use rates.

Target 02/03: 25% increase in NurseLine use (from 2001/02 baseline of 103,471); 15% increase in call forwarding of after hour calls from physician offices to NurseLine (from 2001/02 baseline of 335)

Target 03/04: 35% increase in NurseLine use (from 2001/02 baseline); 25% increase in call forwarding of after hour calls from physician offices to NurseLine (from 2001/02 baseline).

Target 04/05: 45% increase in NurseLine use (from 2001/02 baseline); 35% increase in call forwarding of after hour calls from physician offices to NurseLine (from 2001/02 baseline).

Target 05/06: 50% increase in NurseLine use (from 2001/02 baseline); 40% increase in call forwarding of after hour calls from physician offices to NurseLine (from 2001/02 baseline)

PS – PM #3 (Relates to Priority Strategy 2 & 4): Percentage of days spent by patients in hospitals after the need for hospital care ended, measured by alternative level of care days (ALC days) as a percentage of total hospital inpatient days.

Target 02/03: 5% decrease over prior year

Target 03/04: 5% decrease over prior year

Target 04/05: 5% decrease over prior year

Target 05/06: 3% decrease over prior year

PS – PM #4 (Relates to Priority Strategy 2 & 4): Percentage of clients with high care needs living in their own home rather than a facility

Target 02/03: 2% increase over prior year

Target 03/04: 2% increase over prior year

Target 04/05: 5% increase over prior year

Target 05/06: TBD, based on new assessment tool

PS – PM #5 (Relates to Priority Strategy 3): Waiting times for key services: Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy.

a. Radiotherapy:

Target 02/03: 90% of patients begin treatment within 4 weeks of being ready to treat.

Target 03/04: maintain at 90% of patients begin treatment within 4 weeks of being ready to treat

Target 04/05: maintain at 90% begin treatment within 4 weeks

Target 05/06: maintain at 90% begin treatment within 4 weeks

b. Chemotherapy:

Target 02/03: 90% of patients begin treatment within 2 weeks of being ready to treat.

Target 03/04: maintain at 90% of patients begin treatment within 2 weeks of being ready to treat.

Target 04/05: maintain at 90% begin treatment within 2 weeks

Target 05/06: maintain at 90% begin treatment within 2 weeks

PS – PM #6 (Relates to Priority Strategy 3): Emergency Room Use performance measure TBD.

Actual 02/03: N/A

Target 03/04: TBD

Target 04/05: TBD

Target 05/06: TBD

PS – PM #7 (Relates to Priority Strategy 5b): Improved continuity of care measured by the proportion of persons (aged 15 to 64) hospitalized for a mental health diagnosis who receive community or physician follow-up within 30 days of discharge.

Target 02/03: 3% increase over prior year

Target 03/04: Increase over prior year

Target 04/05: Increase over prior year

Target 05/06: Increase over prior year

PS – PM #8 (Relates to Priority Strategy 5b): Improved availability of community services measured by: Percentage of days spent by mental health patients (aged 15 to 64) in hospitals after the need for hospital care ended.

Target 02/03: No change relative to the 2001/02 baseline year

Target 03/04: 2% reduction over the prior year

Target 04/05: 2% reduction over the prior year

Target 05/06: No change over the prior year

PS – PM #9 (Relates to Priority Strategy 5b): Proportion of mental health services (community, physician and acute care) received by mental health clients (aged 15 to 64) that are obtained in their own health authority.

Long-term target: 87% of the services received within HA

Target 02/03: Increase towards long-term target

Target 03/04: Increase towards long-term target

Target 04/05: Increase towards long-term target

Target 05/06: Increase towards long-term target


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