Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Core Business: Services Delivered by Ministry
(Vital Statistics Agency)

3. A Sustainable, Affordable Health Care System
Obj. 1: Provide timely, quality service to the public within a sustainable fiscal framework.

VS Strategy 1: Pilot an electronic service for the registration of births and deaths.

VS Strategy 2: Maintain customer satisfaction levels while implementing nationally mandated identification security measures.

VS Strategy 3: Improve direct electronic access to users of vital event health-related information products from the VISTA data warehouse to support health planning and surveillance activities.

Performance Measures:

VS — PM#1 (Relates to Strategy 1): Vital Statistics registration turnaround times.

Base 02/03: 45 days from date of event to complete registration for 90% of events reported.

Target 03/04: 40 days from date of event to complete registration for 90% of events reported.

Target 04/05: 35 days from date of event to complete registration for 90% of events reported.

Target 05/06: 35 days from date of event to complete registration for 90% of events reported.

VS — PM#2 (Relates to Strategy 2): Customer and client (e.g., doctors, nurses etc.) satisfaction rates (courtesy, helpfulness, promptness).

Forecast 02/03: 97% of customer satisfaction responses are satisfactory or better.

Target 03/04: 96% of customer satisfaction responses are satisfactory or better.

Target 04/05: 96% of customer satisfaction responses are satisfactory or better.

Target 05/06: 96% of customer satisfaction responses are satisfactory or better.

VS — PM#3 (Relates to Strategy 3): Expanded scope of clients having direct access to Vital Statistics VISTA data warehouse.

Base 02/03: N/A

Target 03/04: electronic access to VISTA provided to primary users within the Ministries of Health.

Target 04/05: electronic access to VISTA provided to Medical Health Officers, health authorities, and primary users at other ministries.

Target 05/06: electronic access to VISTA provided to health focused research groups within hospitals and universities.


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