MOHP Strategy 6: Provide legislative, regulatory
and policy frameworks that provide greater flexibility
in how and what services are delivered to ensure appropriate
and cost-effective service delivery (e.g., Public private
MOHP Strategy 7: Ensure the healthcare system
has the capacity to meet the population's health needs
by developing provincial plans for the supply and effective
use of health care professionals, facilities and infrastructure.
MOHP Strategy 8: Influence public policy outside
health to address principle risk factors that underlie
health outcomes and drive health system costs (e.g.,
housing, economics, environment).
MOHP Strategy 9: Lead the development of planning
guidelines that articulate best practices for service
delivery (End-of-life, Aboriginal health services and
women's health strategies).
MOHP Strategy 10: Support health research and
create opportunities for health partners to share knowledge
and best practices to facilitate continuous improvement
in service delivery.