Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Core Business: Stewardship and Corporate Management

Stewardship (continued)

1. High Quality Patient Care
2. Improved Health and Wellness for British Columbians
Obj. 1: Direction
Government’s strategic direction is clearly defined and communicated and guides service delivery.
Obj. 2: Support
Supports are in place to facilitate the achievement of strategic priorities, and barriers to change have been removed.
Obj. 3: Monitoring, Evaluation & Course Correction
Delivered services meet public needs and are sustainable.

MOHP Strategy 6: Provide legislative, regulatory and policy frameworks that provide greater flexibility in how and what services are delivered to ensure appropriate and cost-effective service delivery (e.g., Public private partnerships).

MOHP Strategy 7: Ensure the healthcare system has the capacity to meet the population's health needs by developing provincial plans for the supply and effective use of health care professionals, facilities and infrastructure.

MOHP Strategy 8: Influence public policy outside health to address principle risk factors that underlie health outcomes and drive health system costs (e.g., housing, economics, environment).

MOHP Strategy 9: Lead the development of planning guidelines that articulate best practices for service delivery (End-of-life, Aboriginal health services and women's health strategies).

MOHP Strategy 10: Support health research and create opportunities for health partners to share knowledge and best practices to facilitate continuous improvement in service delivery.

Performance Measures:

MOHP — PM#6 (Relates to Strategy 6): Percentage of regulatory requirements reduced.

Target 02/03: 2% reduction in regulations

Target 03/04: Further 10% reduction in regulations

Target 04/05: Further 26% reduction in regulations

Target 05/06: Completed

MOHP — PM#7 (Relates to Strategy 6): Establishment of a regulatory framework to ensure appropriate utilization of the private sector in the provision of health care.

Target 02/03: Policy framework completed.

Target 03/04: Policy framework implemented.

Target 04/05: Completed

Target 05/06: Completed

MOHP — PM#8 (Relates to Strategy 7): Health Human Resource, IT and Capital plans developed.

Target 02/03: Health Human Resource Plan designed and consultations completed.

Target 03/04: Health Human Resource Plan updated. Capital asset management planning process implemented. Hospital facilities, Intermediate and Long-term Care facilities, and Medical Machinery, Equipment and Technology plans developed.

Target 04/05: Monitoring process developed. Implementation of strategies for completed long-term plans in progress, and updated based on new data.

Target 05/06: Plans assessed against direction-setting documents, and refreshed.


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