Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Core Business: Stewardship and Corporate Management


1. High Quality Patient Care
2. Improved Health and Wellness for British Columbians
Obj. 1: Direction
Government’s strategic direction is clearly defined and communicated and guides service delivery.
Obj. 2: Support
Supports are in place to facilitate the achievement of strategic priorities, and barriers to change have been removed.
Obj. 3: Monitoring, Evaluation & Course Correction
Delivered services meet public needs and are sustainable.

MOHP Strategy 1: Translate health care needs into clear strategic direction for the healthcare system and communicate this direction through comprehensive mid and long-term plans.

MOHP Strategy 2: Develop provincial quality and access standards/guidelines for selected services (e.g., appropriate service volumes required to ensure safety and quality of service delivery).

MOHP Strategy 3: Develop coordinated system-wide approaches for responding to major public health risks and epidemics (e.g., SARS, West Nile, meningitis and influenza outbreaks; childhood immunizations).

MOHP Strategy 4: Protect public health by articulating expectations for core public health prevention and protection activities, including standards for their delivery (e.g., food and water safety licensing).

MOHP Strategy 5: Enhance the quality and accountability of self-regulated health care professionals in British Columbia by developing a regulatory framework to support and guide their work.

Performance Measures:

MOHP — PM#1 (Relates to Strategy 1): Mid- and long-term direction setting plans for the health sector completed.

Target 02/03: Service plan developed; Phase 1 of development of 10-year healthcare system directional plan started.

Target 03/04: Healthcare system directional plan developed and service plan aligned with directional plan.

Target 04/05: Monitoring process developed; implementation of strategies from long-term plan in progress.

Target 05/06: Plans, planning processes and implementation assessed; planning cycle updated.

MOHP — PM#2 (Relates to Strategy 2): Access and quality standards/guidelines developed for selected services.

Target 02/03: Priority services for standard development selected and consultation with relevant stakeholders completed.

Target 03/04: Access and quality standards, targets and performance measures developed and articulated.

Target 04/05: Access targets and quality standards implemented through inclusion in performance contracts.

Target 05/06: Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting on standards maintained.

MOHP — PM#3 (Relates to Strategy 4): Development of a new Public Health Act.

Target 02/03: Revision of 3 public health acts (Drinking Water Protection Act, Food Protection Act, and Community Care Facility Act).

Target 03/04: Regulations, policy and guidelines developed for new/revised legislation.

Target 04/05: Public health legislation consolidated into a new Public Health Act.

Target 05/06: Completed.

MOHP — PM#4 (Relates to Strategy 4): Priority programs developed for prevention and protection.

Target 02/03: Complete consultation on priority programs for health authorities.

Target 03/04: Core programs delivery expectations and performance measures finalized.

Target 04/05: Development of mechanisms completed to ensure health authorities meet core program requirements such as:

1) provincial policy,
2) provincial standards,
3) performance contract expectations, etc.

Target 05/06: Strategy completed.

MOHP — PM#5 (Relates to Strategy 5): Improved governance and accountability framework developed for the health professions.

Target 02/03: N/A

Target 03/04: Health Professions Act (HPA) amended to clarify accountability and governance expectations for all colleges.

Target 04/05: Revisions to various regulations under the HPA completed.

Target 05/06: Monitoring system for regularly surveying compliance and performance of all colleges developed.


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