Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Key Outcome Indicators and Core Business AreasContinued

Goal 3: Effective and Responsive Forest Manager

As the Forest Service moves toward its 100th anniversary, we are on track to revitalize ourselves as the stewards of the province’s forest resources. While undertaking the many challenges and opportunities involved in this endeavour, we will bear in mind that our core purpose is to ensure that sustainable forest resources deliver sustainable forest benefits for the people of British Columbia. The effectiveness of our organization is dependent upon highly trained and knowledgeable staff who will continue to be responsive and performance-focused.

Goal 3: Effective and Responsive Forest Manager
Key Outcome Indicator 2002/03 Projection 2003/04 Projection 2004/05 Projection 2005/06 Projection
Public Trust in the BC Forest Service Percentage of those surveyed who believe the Forest Service can be trusted to protect and manage our public forests 59% ≥59% ≥59% ≥59%

The Core Business that supports this goal is:

Core Business: Executive and Support Services

The ministry intends to become a more effective organization by improving corporate governance and service delivery processes. The core business therefore includes both of these aspects.

Key clients for the strategic policy and governance aspect are the Executive, Minister and Cabinet. Activities are structured within key frameworks for policy and legislation development, performance management, internal audit and evaluation, and litigation support. Executive, regional and district management, and staff in the Corporate Policy and Governance Division play a key role in delivery of these functions.

Support service activities include finance and administration, human resources, central infrastructure management, Freedom-of-Information, records management, continuous improvement and best practices initiatives, as well as application of information technology. These services are delivered at all levels of the organization — branch, region and district. While focused at supporting internal management and employees, they also serve industry and the general public.

Changes from 2002/03:

This core business was called Corporate Services in 2002/03.

Planned Changes:

From 2003/04 to 2005/06, the Ministry of Forests will manage a very large policy and legislation agenda in support of achieving Government direction for the ministry’s two primary goals.

The Ministry will continue integration of financial and performance management and expects to introduce a new performance management system (MAX) in early 2003.

The functions of finance, human resources and information management will be consolidated both within the ministry and across government as part of the Shared Services Initiative. This change, including increased use of technology, will result in more consistency in business practices and cost reductions.

In 2003/04 the Ministry will still be engaged in workforce adjustment with significant numbers of staff learning new job functions. Starting in 2005/06 the ministry expects to be dealing with the first wave of significant retirements and the need for active recruitment.


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