Key Outcome Indicators |
Description |
Area of provincial forest in millions of
hectares |
Provincial forest is the crown land in timber
supply areas, woodlot licences and tree farm licences. Data
is from the AAC database updated Jan. 1 each year. |
Ratio of area reforested to area harvested
or lost to fire and pest (unsalvageable losses, based on a 5-year
rolling average) |
Reforested includes planting or natural
regeneration. Harvesting is by any method. Losses to fire and
pest are unsalvageable. Net of plantation failures. |
Total area (hectares) of Crown forest lost
to unwanted wildfire annually on a 5-year rolling average |
Unwanted wildfire is unplanned or accidental,
with the potential to cause damage to or loss of timber, range
or public resources. |
% of annual harvest area with soil loss
due to establishment of permanent access roads (based on a 5-year
rolling average) |
Identifies the amount of productive land
in a harvest area (includes mature forest reserves) that is
impacted by road construction. Integrated Silviculture Information
System. |
% of community watersheds with active logging
for which watershed assessments have been completed |
Watershed assessments are required before
forest development within community watersheds under the Forest
Practices Code of BC Act. |
Area of forests >140 years of age within
the province in millions of hectares |
The amount of old forests (>than 140
years) in British Columbia, including parks and protected areas. |
Percentage of forest operators’ compliance
with standards that regulate forest practices |
Forest operators include all major and small
business licensees. Compliance Information Management System. |
Crown Forest Revenue (gross
revenue in billions) |
The total amount of money charged
by the ministry during the fiscal year. Harvest Billing System. |
Net Revenue generated from BC Timber Sales
to the Crown |
Gross revenue from the Harvest Billing
System, net of operating costs obtained from the Corporate
Accounting System. |
BC share of the US softwood lumber market |
The US is BC’s largest customer for softwood
lumber. BC’s share of the US softwood lumber market is determined
from AFPA statistics on US consumption and Statistics Canada
data on BC and Canadian exports. |
BC share of Japan softwood lumber imports |
Japan is BC’s second largest softwood lumber
customer. Import volumes are published annually by the Japan
Wood Products Information and Research Center. |
Increase in wood product sales to Taiwan,
China and Korea |
Data from Stats Canada reports of wood exports
in dollars. China includes Hong Kong. This does not include
pulp and paper. |
Ratio of BC forest industry capital investment
to depreciation and amortization |
The ratio is designed to indicate the extent
of new forest sector capital investment. |
Percentage increase in forest land certified
as managed sustainably by major forest certification processes |
Major forest certification processes are
the CSA, FSC and SFI. ISO is excluded. |
Public Trust in the BC Forest Service |
Public trust is measured in a telephone
survey done by BC Stats. It is attributed to values, knowledge,
and experience of the forest sector and BCFS. |
Corporate Performance
Measure |
Description |
Percentage of unwanted wildfire contained
at less than four hectares, based on a 5-year rolling average |
This is a measure of the ministry’s success
rate of initial attack on wildfire that is unplanned or accidental,
and has potential to cause damage to or loss of timber, range
or public resources. Data from Historical Fire Statistics
Database. |
Percentage of Crown forest aerial surveyed
for insect infestations |
Annual province-wide aerial surveys are
used to monitor forest disturbances caused by insects, diseases,
animal and abiotic factors. The data is used to track damage
trends, estimate impacts on forest resources, plan management
activities strategically, and direct more detailed surveys. |
Percentage of high priority bark beetle
infestation sites treated |
High priority sites present an opportunity
to stop or reduce the rate of spread by treating through felling
and burning, setting up pheromone trap trees, or other methods.
By agreement with WLAP and MSRM, MOF is responsible for treatments
in parks and protective areas. |
Percentage of high priority areas treated
to manage defoliator outbreaks |
Includes Gypsy Moth and all other defoliators. |
Status of the State of the Forests Report
This report will provide a periodic assessment
of the state of BC forests, aligning with national criteria
and indicators of sustainable forest management. |
Number of completed effectiveness evaluations
of the legislation. |
Effectiveness evaluations are field reviews
of the Forest Practices Code of BC and Forest and
Range Practices Act. |
Percentage of forestry deregulation achieved |
The deregulation initiative is part of a
New Era commitment to reduce unnecessary red tape and
regulation by one-third within 3 years. |
Percentage of timber supply allowable annual
cut (AAC) determinations achieved by their scheduled deadline |
The AAC for each TSA and TFL is reviewed
and determined by the chief forester. This is a measure of the
ministry’s rate of success at achieving scheduled deadlines
for AACs. |
Client satisfaction with applied research
completed by the Ministry |
Clients are internal MOF clients, or client
sponsors who will assess progress and effectiveness of research
within project groups linked by similar objectives. The rating
is determined by a survey of clients. Results from 2002/03 are
published at: |
Percentage of timber supply areas under
defined forest area management |
Defined forest area management is where
licensees collaborate on an area based forest management plan
for the whole of a timber supply area. |
Volume gain (cubic meters per year) from
reforestation activities available in 65 years |
Volume gain is calculated from the hectares
brushed or planted and an average m3 per hectare from Growth
and Yield tables. Only activities funded by the Forest Stand
Management Fund are included. |
Percentage of available crown range forage
under a form of tenure |
This is a measure of the effectiveness of
the ministry’s administration of range available for grazing
or haycutting. |
Number of Forest Service recreation sites
and trails managed under partnership agreements |
This measure identifies the number of sites
and trails managed by private operators and associations under
partnership agreements with the ministry. Sites include campgrounds,
day-use areas, cabins and other recreation facilities. |
% of high and very high priority sites inspected
for forest and range practices compliance |
Inspections, or site visits
are targeted to very high and high priority sites where environmental,
social and/or economic values have been identified as being
at high risk. Data from the Compliance Information Management
System. |
% of high and very high priority inspections
for pricing and revenue compliance |
Per cent of alleged compliance contraventions
successfully concluded |
Data is from compliance actions, managed
in the Compliance Information Management System. |
Per cent of alleged enforcement contraventions
successfully concluded |
Data is from enforcement actions, managed
in the Enforcement Reporting Application System. |
Per cent increase in provincial resource
inventory information from FIA investments |
Provincial resource inventories funded by
FIA include ten different inventory types. Licensees collect
this information. |
Volume gain (cubic meters per year) of timber
from all Forest Investment Account (FIA) funded land based and
tree improvement activities to be available in 65 years |
Tree improvement activities include those
funded jointly by MOF and FIA. Volume gain from tree improvement
is based on the quantity and the quality (genetic worth) of
select seed used in planting. Volume gain from land based activities
is calculated from the hectares brushed or planted and an average
m3 per hectare from Growth and Yield tables. |
Status of implementation of the market based
pricing system |
This implementation is subject to Cabinet
decisions and the softwood lumber discussions. |
Percentage of Timber Supply Area AAC under
a form of tenure |
This is a measure of the effectiveness of
the ministry’s apportionment of the AAC within a TSA to various
programs, and its issuance of tenures under these programs.
Tenures are issued under programs such as Forest License and
for Community Forest Agreements. Tree farm Licences, woodlot
licences and Tenures under the BCTS program are not included.
Data is from the Apportionment System |
Kilometers of Forest Service road maintained
by the ministry to a public use standard |
Forest Service roads that the District Manager
is obligated to maintain. Excludes permitted or BCTS roads,
closed roads and wilderness roads |
Number of consultation agreements negotiated
with First Nations |
The ministry works to establish consultation
agreements with First Nations to ensure that Crown land and
resource decisions are informed by First Nations interests. |
Number of tenures offered to First Nations |
Under the Forest Act, the Minister
may invite, without competition, applications from First Nations
for a forest tenure. The invitation must be made in furtherance
of an interim measures, treaty related measures, or economic
measures agreement between the First Nation and the province. |
Average BCTS cost per cubic meter of volume
sold |
Data by region from the Corporate Accounting
System and BC Timber Sales Milestone reports |
Per cent of BCTS volume advertised for sale |
This is a measure of the volume advertised
competitively to independent forest operators. |
Per cent of BCTS sales refused |
Data is from the Sale of Crown Timber Bid
and Deposit records. |
Instances of BCTS significant non-compliance |
The BCTS Program must comply with all forest
practices standards and regulation. Forest Practices Board audit
results |
Number of key legislation documents prepared
for Government approval |
The ministry prepares key legislation documents
associated with forest policy changes and amendments to current
legislation. |
Average number of training hours per year
per employee |
Measures amount of time spent on training
and commitment to employee development. Calculated from Corporate
HR Information & Payroll System (CHIPS). |
Per cent of critical positions with current
competency profiles and succession plans |
Measures and identifies level of capacity
(subject matter and behavioural competencies) within the ministry
for “critical” positions. Identifies gaps to address in succession
plans. Calculated from HR Strategic Database. |
Per cent of staff satisfied with their employment
with the ministry |
Measures overall level of organizational
wellness and employee satisfaction with their employment in
the ministry. Calculated from annual Workplace Survey/Questionnaire. |
Per cent of corporate performance measure
targets achieved or substantially achieved |
This is a summary measure of the ministry’s
overall performance. Excludes projections for key outcome indicators. |
Per cent of expenditure targets achieved |
Expenditure targets are assigned to the
Assistant Deputy Minister for each Division. Calculated based
on reports from the Corporate Accounting System |
Per cent of business areas redesigned and
implemented to support the refocused forest service mandate |
Under the Continuous Improvement Initiative
the ministry is implementing best practices and improving business
processed. |
Number of major client services available
electronically |
Electronic services are those provided to
external clients via an internet link. |