Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Core Business Areas and Performance MeasuresContinued

Goal 2: Creating a tax and regulatory climate that stimulates economic growth

Objective Strategy Responsible Core Business Area
Finance & Econ Performance.

Financial Governance.


Fin & Corp Sector Services.


Risk Management.

Executive & Support.

Establish a tax environment that encourages economic growth • Review the tax system on an ongoing basis and consider changes to maintain and improve competitiveness Checkmark.            
Support business development and investment • Streamline and update the legislative and policy frameworks to reduce regulatory requirements and enable the electronic delivery of services       Checkmark.      


Objective Performance Measure Base 2002/03 Target
2003/04 2004/05 2005/06
Establish a tax environment that encourages economic growth • Provincial ranking of personal income tax rates for the bottom two tax brackets Lowest Lowest Lowest Lowest
• Provincial ranking of the top personal marginal tax rate In the lowest 3 In the lowest 3 In the lowest 3 In the lowest 3
Support business development and investment • Number of regulatory requirements (2004/05 target is a 1/3 reduction from 2001/02 baseline of 40,307) 33,700
• Per cent annual growth in business registrations 8.3% 5% 5% 5%
• Percentage of company incorporations and registrations filed electronically 77% 85% 90% 100%


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