Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 1 — Improved student achievement

Core Business Areas: Public Schools, Independent Schools, Executive and
Support Services
Objectives and Strategies Performance Measures 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Objective 1:
To improve student achievement in areas of intellectual development

Objective 2:
To reduce inequalities among students in terms of their ability to meet the goals of education

1. Establish standards.

2. Collect information.

Percentage of public school students meeting or exceeding expectations on Foundation Skills Assessment.1



The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Reading Grade 4 80% 2002/03 Base data for equity groups (by gender, Aboriginal and special needs) will be included in Ministry of Education Annual Report located online at: www.gov.bc.ca/bcbudget
Reading Grade 7 76%
Reading Grade 10 71%
Writing Grade 4 94%
Writing Grade 7 84%
Writing Grade 10 87%
Numeracy Grade 4 85%
Numeracy Grade 7 82%
Numeracy Grade 10 76%

3. Monitor performance.

4. Identify and report areas of high and low performance.

5. Encourage school boards to undertake initiatives to improve performance.

Public and independent school completion rate (Percentage of students who start Grade 8 and graduate from Grade 12 within 6 years).1 77% The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Public school Grade 8-9 transition rate.1 96% The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Percentage of public and independent students with ‘C’ or better in Grade 12 courses.1   The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Communications 75%   
English 81%
Principles of Math 80%
Percentage of public and independent Grade 12 graduates receiving scholarships.1 11% The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
British Columbia’s standing on national and international assessments.2   The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.


School Achievement Indicators Program (SAIP) 2001 Mathematics III School Achievement Indicators Program (SAIP) 2001 Mathematics III assessment: the results indicated that BC students perform at a level statistically the same as Canada as a whole in the following three assessment areas:
1. Math content — 13 year-olds
2. Math content — 16 year-olds
3. Math problem solving — 16 year-olds

In only one assessment area, Math problem solving — 13 year-olds, BC performed at a level statistically below Canada as a whole.

The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
1   Base measures are provincial rates. These data are for the 2001/02 school year.

Base measure data is the most current year available, 2001. Schedules for national and international assessments are beyond the control of the ministry.


Core Business Areas: Public Schools, Independent Schools, Executive and
Support Services
Objectives and Strategies Performance Measures 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Objective 3:

To improve student achievement in areas of human and social development

1. Establish standards.

2. Collect information.

3. Monitor performance.

4. Identify and report areas of high and low performance.

5. Encourage school boards to undertake initiatives to improve performance.

Percentage of public school students in agreement with statements reflective of socially responsible behaviour, such as:1     The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Care for environment   The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Grade 4 79%
Grade 7 59%
Grade 10 25%
Grade 12 27%
Valuing diversity   The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Grade 4 91%
Grade 7 88%
Grade 10 81%
Grade 12 83%
Percentage of public school students that report overall satisfaction in human and social development1   The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Grade 4 76%
Grade 7 68%
Grade 10 44%
Grade 12 44%
Grade 12 survey participation rate1 52%
1   Base measures are provincial averages taken from 2001/02 Satisfaction Survey Report. These data are for the 2001/02 school year. For participation rates see the provincial report online: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sat_survey/2002results/province.pdf.


Core Business Areas: Public Schools, Independent Schools, Executive and
Support Services
Objectives and Strategies Performance Measures 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Objective 4:
To improve student achievement in career development


1. Establish standards.

2. Collect information.

3. Monitor performance.

4. Identify and report areas of high and low performance.

5. Encourage school boards to undertake initiatives to improve performance.

Public and independent school completion rate.1 77% The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Percentage of students making transitions to work and/or post-secondary education.2   The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Attending post-secondary education full-time 53%
Attending post-secondary education part-time 8%
Working 33%
Unemployed and not looking for work 1%
Unemployed and looking for work 2%
Other 4%
Percentage of public school students that feel their school is helping improve their computer skills.3 Baseline The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
1   Base measures are provincial rates. These data are for the 2001/02 school year.

The random sample of graduates includes public and independent school students. The full report is available online www.bced.gov.bc.ca/careers/


Base measure data will be available in the 2003 Annual Report.


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