Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 2: Organizational Excellence

Objective 3. Support organizational development to optimize ability to deliver environmental assessment.
Strategies Performance Measures 2002/03 Base Data 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target

• Update and implement a Human Resource Management Plan that includes strategies for fair workforce adjustment, staff training, development, and succession.

• Implement performance management process.

• Support efficient utilization of public funds through shared services delivery.

• Staff training on fulfilling government legal obligations towards First Nations.

Percent of staff with Performance and Development Plans in place. In progress. All staff will have plans in place by March 31, 2003. 100%4 100% 100%
Objective 4. Communicate effectively with all stakeholders.
Strategies Performance Measures 2002/03 Base Data 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target

• Facilitate access to information about project reviews and the environmental assessment process.

• Improve web-based access to key review documents.

Number of website visits per year. 328,426 in 2001/02. 2002/03 base data collection in progress. Continual improvement (increase 2001/02 level by 20%). Continual improvement (increase 2001/02 level by 30%). Continual improvement.
Participants’ perceptions of accessibility of project review information. Proponent, First Nations, and review participant surveys in progress. Proponents: continual improvement.

Others: maintain or improve.

Proponents: continual improvement.

Others: maintain or improve.

Proponents: continual improvement.

Others: maintain or improve.

4   Performance target increased from 90% to 100% for 2003/2004.


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