Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Aboriginal PeopleContinued

Performance Measures: Aboriginal People

Performance Measure Baseline Target
2003/04 2004/05 2005/06
Output: Provincial strategy to increase federal funding for Aboriginal programs and services   Develop implementation plan Implement  
Output: Signed partnership agreements under the Aboriginal Employment Partnership Initiative 3
at Jan. 31/03
4 8 14
Outcome: Enhanced social and economic development opportunities for Aboriginal people through the First Citizens Fund        
  • Number of jobs created and sustained through First Citizens Fund loans 3821 350 350 350
• Number of Aboriginal businesses started or sustained through the First Citizens Fund 1411 140 140 140

Outcome: Aboriginal languages are better protected and preserved

Number and percentage of languages able to use Ministry’s FirstVoices.com2
at Jan. 31/03
16 languages
32 languages
1   The baseline figures are the average of the years 1999/00, 2000/01 and 2001/02.
2   This site allows British Columbia Aboriginal communities to document and archive their endangered languages.


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