Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 3 — Responsive and Effective Management

Core Business Areas:

Student Financial Assistance Programs

Executive and Support Services

Improve Ministry Business Practices

Baseline 2003/04
Improve efficient delivery of student financial assistance system Student aid application turnaround time. Processing time reduced from 19 to 17 days 15 working days 12 working days 12 working days
Maintain and enhance the Ministry focus on core business activities Ministry program management budget as a percentage of overall Ministry budget. Baseline established at 1.14% Maintain or reduce Maintain or reduce Maintain or reduce
Continue to reduce red tape to help achieve the government’s objective of reducing red tape by one-third by fiscal 2004/05 Number of career training institutions required to be registered 1,100 registered institutions Reduce Maintain Maintain
Number of AVED regulatory requirements Baseline for June 2001:

1,861 requirements

Reduce by 284 to 1,301 requirements Reduce by 34 to 1,276 requirements Overall reduction by 1/3 completed in 2004/05
Implement web-based system to manage degree approval process Length of time required to process web-based degree proposals 6 months Maintain Maintain Maintain

Develop a Public Post-Secondary Education Accountability Framework

Baseline 2003/04
Streamline the collection of data for the central data warehouse and improve the quality and availability of data used for accountability reporting and decision-making Per cent of Colleges, University Colleges, and Institutes meeting established thresholds for accuracy, timeliness and completeness Baseline for 2002/03:

82% of institutions met thresholds for accuracy, timeliness and achieved at least 90% completeness on all data elements in the Data Quality Management Plan (DQMP) (as of Nov. 30, 2002)

82% of institutions to meet thresholds for accuracy, timeliness and 90 to 95% completeness on elements in the DQMP 90% of institutions to meet thresholds for accuracy, timeliness and 99% completeness on elements in the DQMP 95% of institutions to meet thresholds for accuracy, timeliness and 99% completeness on elements in the DQMP
Establish a new accountability framework for public post secondary system in the 2003/04 fiscal year Post-Secondary System Accountability Framework developed and implemented Consultation and development completed in 2002/03 Framework implemented


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