Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 1 — A top-notch post-secondary education system

Core Business Areas:

Educational Institutions and Organizations

Debt Service Costs and Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances

Promote a More Efficient and Integrated Post-Secondary Education System

Baseline 2003/04

Improve Graduation Rates

Improve students’ opportunity to graduate by increasing the capacity of the public post-secondary system

Number of degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded

Baseline data for 2001/02:

54,052 total credentials awarded

Increase total credentials awarded by 1.5% from baseline Increase total credentials awarded by 1.5% (3% from baseline) Increase total credentials awarded by 1.5% (4.5% from baseline)
BC public post-secondary graduate rate

Baseline data for 2001/02:

82 credentials awarded per 1,000 BC population aged 18 – 29

Maintain or increase rate by up to 1% (0-1% from baseline) Maintain or increase rate by up to 1% (0-2% from baseline) Maintain or increase rate by up to 1% (0-3% from baseline)

Encourage System Integration

Encourage opportunity for students to transfer credit between institutions throughout the BC post-secondary system

Number of block and course transfer agreements

Baseline data for 2001/02:

47,281 Course transfer agreements;

605 Block transfer arrangements

Increase course transfer agreements and block transfer arrangements between 2% & 5% from baseline Increase course transfer agreements and block transfer arrangements between 2% & 5% (4-10% from baseline) Increase course transfer agreements and block transfer arrangements between 2% & 5% (6-15% from baseline)
Student satisfaction with transfer

Baseline data for 2002/03:

88% of students who transferred and expected to transfer credits were very satisfied or satisfied with their transfer experience

(+/- margin of error)1
(+/- margin of error)1
(+/- margin of error)1
Review system mandates, roles and responsibilities and align legislation in 2003/04 Mandates, roles and responsibilities reviewed and updated Consultation completed in 2002/03 Introduce legislation Legislative amendments in force

Access to Developmental Programs

Maintain access to developmental programs by requiring institutions to continue to offer ABE/ESL/ASE courses to students

Number of student spaces in ABE, ESL, and ASE programs Baseline data under development Establish baseline (under development) Maintain or increase student spaces in each program Maintain or increase student spaces in each program
Participation by Aboriginal Students Through the Aboriginal Special Projects Funding, assist institutions to provide educational opportunities for aboriginal learners Total number and per cent of student population that is aboriginal Baseline data will be for 2002/03 Establish baseline Maintain or increase Maintain or increase

System Capacity

Public system will meet system capacity targets

Total student spaces Baseline data for 2001/02:
154,991 total spaces (including ELTT)
Increase by 3,154 new spaces to 160,848 total student spaces (including ELTT) Increase by 3,217 new spaces to 164,065 total student spaces (including ELTT) Increase by 3,281 new spaces to 167,346 total student spaces (including ELTT)

Space Utilization

Maximize utilization of institutional facilities on a year-round basis

Per cent of annual educational activity occurring between May and August Baseline data for 2001/02:
College & Institute Sector average — 13.1%
University Sector average — 15.1%
System average — 14.2%
Increase activity towards achievement of a 21% system wide average delivery between May & August Increase activity towards achievement of a 21% system wide average delivery between May & August Increase activity towards achievement of a 21% system wide average delivery between May & August

Survey margin of error is based on survey sample size and is not determined in advance. The appropriate margin of error for this measure will be reported in the Annual Service Report. The calculated margin of error will be based on a 95% confidence level.

Enhance Student Choice

Baseline 2003/04

Expand Degree Granting Options

Increase the number and range of degree program opportunities through the Degree Authorization Act

Number of private degree programs Baseline data will be for 2003/04 Establish baseline Increase Increase
Number of applied degree programs at public institutions Baseline data will be for 2003/04 Establish baseline Increase Increase

Expand On-line Access

Expand on-line access to post-secondary education by developing BCcampus on-line initiative

Number of student spaces in on-line learning programs

Baseline data for 2001/02:

260 total student spaces

Increase by 130 new spaces to 520 total student spaces Increase by 130 new spaces to 650 total student spaces Increase by 130 new spaces to 780 total student spaces

Improve Quality of Education

Baseline 2003/04


With system partners, obtain student outcomes data that supports quality enhancement through program evaluation and accountability

Student outcomes —
skills gained

Baseline data for 2002/03:

% of College, University College, & Institute Students whose program prepared them well or very well to:*

Write clearly & concisely: 72%

Speak effectively: 71%

Work effectively with others: 83%

Analyze, think critically & solve problems: 81%

Read & comprehend material: 82% (2002 Survey)

*excludes students who indicated skill was not applicable to their program
University baseline data will be for 2003/04 (2002 Survey)

Maintain or increase
(+/- margin of error)1

(College, University College, & Institute only)

Establish baseline (University)

Maintain or increase (+/- margin of error)1 Maintain or increase (+/- margin of error)1
  Student satisfaction
with education

Baseline data for 2002/03:

84% of College, University College, & Institute Students completely or mainly satisfied with studies (2002 Survey)

95% of University Baccalaureate graduates very satisfied or satisfied with education (2001 Survey)

Maintain or increase
(+/- margin of error)1
Maintain or increase (+/- margin of error)1 Maintain or increase (+/- margin of error)1
  Student satisfaction with quality of instruction

Baseline data for 2002/03:

79% of College, University College, & Institute Students rated the quality of instruction in their program as good or very good (2002 survey)

95% of University baccalaureate graduates rated the quality of course instruction in their programs as very good or good (2000 survey)

Maintain or increase
(+/- margin of error)1
Maintain or increase (+/- margin of error)1 Maintain or increase (+/- margin of error)1

Ensure Relevance Through Enhancing Student Employability

Identify the relevance of post-secondary education to the current labour market

Student assessment of usefulness of knowledge and skills in performing job.

Baseline data for 2002/03:

77% of College, University College, & Institute Students found the knowledge and skills they acquired from their studies somewhat or very useful in performing their job (2002 Survey)

Baseline data for University graduates will be for 2003/04 (2002 Survey)

Maintain or increase
(+/- margin of error)1

(College, University College & Institute only)

Establish baseline (University)

Maintain or increase (+/- margin of error)1 Maintain or increase (+/- margin of error)1
Student outcomes — unemployment rate Baseline will be for 2003/04 Establish baseline Maintain or decrease (+/- margin of error)1 Maintain or decrease (+/- margin of error)1
1   Survey margin of error is based on survey sample size and is not determined in advance. The appropriate margin of error for this measure will be reported in the Annual Service Report. The calculated margin of error will be based on a 95% confidence level.

Balance the Costs and Benefits of Post-Secondary Education

Baseline 2003/04
Ensure that education costs are shared equitably Ratio of median debt to median income of graduates Baseline data for median debt & income under development (baseline will be for 2003/04) Establish baseline To be determined To be determined


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