Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Measures and Targets for Core Business Areas Continued

Executive and Support Services1
(for Ministry of Attorney General and Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General)

This core business area supports the following ministry goals:

  • Laws and justice services are administered fairly, equitably, and efficiently to all British Columbians, while individual rights and judicial independence are protected
  • Citizens and communities of British Columbia receive protection from crime and its social and economic consequences
Objective: Move justice reform initiatives forward by ensuring timely management and delivery of key ministry components for each initiative


  • Assist in setting up a Citizens’ Assembly2
  • Manage the Administrative Justice Project and implement reforms
  • Implement legislation to reform the Election Act
  • Develop and enact private law reforms
  • Promote understanding of the Human Rights Code by developing and managing a public education program


Performance Measures: 2001/02
Base Data
Output Measures
Citizens’ Assembly set up N/A Project analysis completed Further role for ministry to be defined
Administrative Justice Project results implemented Project analysis begun Analysis complete and implementation begun Implementation continued Continuing ministry role to be defined
Election Act reforms enacted Election date fixed Review and analysis completed Legislation drafted Legislation implemented  
Private law reforms developed and enacted Program established Amendments introduced  
Human rights education program implemented N/A Program plan completed Priority education and training material developed Additional materials developed and training initiated Training continued
1   Since effective and efficient corporate services are prerequisites for achieving success in all business areas, activities for this core business area are linked to other core business areas in both ministries.
2   The Citizens’ Assembly is budgeted for in the Other Appropriations section of the 2003/2004 Estimates.


Expenditures for Core Business Area:
(With the exception of FTEs, all figures are expressed in thousands of dollars)
2002/03 Restated Estimates 2003/04 Estimates 2004/05
Operating Expenditures ($000)
Operating expenditures 66,780 60,117 58,843 57,260
Capital Expenditures (CRF)
Capital expenditures (CRF) 6,055 1,978 861 1,867
Capital Expenditures (CCP) ($000)
Capital expenditures (CCP)        
FTEs 296 281 262 262
Financing Transactions ($000)
Financing Transactions        
Receipts 925 670 700 725
Disbursements 925 670 700 725
Net Cash Source/(Requirement) 0 0 0 0


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