2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Consistency with Government Strategic Plan
Each core business area indicates specific linkages with the Provincial
Government’s “A New Era for British Columbia”. The business
area descriptions also describe linkages to the Premier’s letter
to the Minister where applicable.
Specifically, the government’s broad goals are:
A strong and vibrant provincial economy
A supportive social infrastructure
Safe, healthy communities and a sustainable environment
All of the ministry’s core business areas address the first goal
of developing a stronger economy. Specific core business areas also
address one of the other goals directly, e.g., food quality and
safety, and environmental sustainability and resource development,
would address the last goal. All of the core business areas address
each of the government’s goals to some degree.
This service plan indicates how the ministry will reduce regulatory
impediments to competitiveness of the BC seafood and agrifood sectors.
The target is to reduce regulations by one-third within 3 years.
The ministry has made significant progress toward this target, and
could achieve it ahead of schedule. [see Industry Competitiveness
core business area section for performance targets.] Legislation
and regulations inconsistent with the new mandate of the ministry
will be repealed. It will be also achieved by shifting to outcome-based