Schedule G
          Fulltime equivalent (FTE) employment is the estimate of each special office's, ministry's, taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency’s and regional authority's annual staff utilization. The Budget Transparency and Accountability Act defines staff utilization to include all employees whose salaries are paid directly by the taxpayer-supported government reporting entity. The term "fulltime equivalent" is defined as the employment of one person for one full year or the equivalent thereof (for example, the employment of two persons for six months each). Ministry and special office FTEs are calculated by dividing each special office's and ministry's total hours of permanent, auxiliary, temporary, seasonal and overtime employment paid, or estimated to be paid, for the fiscal year, by the normal paid working hours for one fulltime employee for one year. Taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency FTEs are estimated in a similar manner.  Employees in taxpayer-supported Crown corporations and agencies whose salaries are included in the cost of capital projects are not counted as FTEs in order to maintain consistency between salaries expense and FTEs.
          The table below provides a summary of estimated fulltime equivalent employment by special office, ministry and taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency for the 2002/03 and 2003/04 fiscal years. The 2002/03 ministry and special office numbers are restated to reflect program and staff transfers among ministries (see Schedule A for a detailed reconciliation). The 2002/03 FTE utilization is forecast to be 38,728 FTEs.
    2002/03   2003/04  
Legislation 230 300
Officers of the Legislature 242 211
Office of the Premier 343 312
Ministry of Advanced Education 278 237
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 351 329
Ministry of Attorney General 3,514 3,464
Ministry of Children and Family Development 4,869 4,274
Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services 967 799
Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise 177 149
Ministry of Education 326 317
Ministry of Energy and Mines 244 234
Ministry of Finance 602 548
Ministry of Forests 3,470 3,070
Ministry of Health Planning 215 209
Ministry of Health Services 2,616 2,525
Ministry of Human Resources 2,599 2,310
Ministry of Management Services 2,202 2,049
Ministry of Provincial Revenue 937 988
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General 2,814 2,827
Ministry of Skills Development and Labour 476 451
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management 1,292 954
Ministry of Transportation 1,583 1,385
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection 1,140 998
Management of Public Funds and Debt — —
Other Appropriations 121 109
Total 31,608 29,049
Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies
British Columbia Ferry Corporation 1 3,430 —
Other 2 5,370 5,270
Total Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies 8,800 5,270
Regional Authorities 3 — 150
Total 40,408 34,469
1 Reflects transfer of BC Ferry Corporation FTEs to the new independent British Columbia Ferry Services Inc.
2 Includes 127 FTEs transferred from the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services to the Royal British Columbia Museum Crown agency 
which will be established this fiscal year.
3 In 2003/04, the government reporting entity is expanded to include the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) governance authorities.  
Includes 150 FTEs transferred from MCFD.