Estimates 1 Revised Forecast 1 Estimates
2002/03 2002/03 2003/04
  $000   $000         $000
                41,249                 38,249 Legislation 42,955
                30,122                 26,122 Officers of the Legislature 22,709
                47,062                 45,062 Office of the Premier 52,270
1,899,007 1,899,007 Ministry of Advanced Education 1,899,007
                64,061                 64,061 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 49,153
              558,514               540,514 Ministry of Attorney General 505,845
1,587,544 1,587,544 Ministry of Children and Family Development 1,451,472
              652,564               641,564 Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services 665,551
                51,389                 49,389 Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise 114,706
4,859,926 4,859,926 Ministry of Education 4,859,939
                52,342                 52,342 Ministry of Energy and Mines 56,631
                57,588                 57,588 Ministry of Finance 54,870
              621,282               621,282 Ministry of Forests 564,899
                23,180                 23,180 Ministry of Health Planning 24,154
10,185,966 10,185,966 Ministry of Health Services 10,185,347
1,671,801            1,518,801 Ministry of Human Resources 1,417,493
                55,585                 55,585 Ministry of Management Services 46,679
                50,698                 43,698 Ministry of Provincial Revenue 49,642
              509,496               509,496 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General 506,684
                28,800                 25,800 Ministry of Skills Development and Labour 25,637
              117,497               117,497 Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management 92,297
              734,632               734,632 Ministry of Transportation 834,366
              148,558               148,558 Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection 130,057
              920,000               730,000 Management of Public Funds and Debt 926,000
              556,446               547,137 Other Appropriations 2 455,637
    275,000 Forestry Restructuring    
25,525,309           25,398,000 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND EXPENSES 3      25,034,000
             (723,000)              (818,000) Less: Grants to agencies and other internal transfers 4  (1,087,000)
1,517,000 1,421,000 Add: Expenses recovered from external entities 3 1,615,000
          26,319,309           26,001,000      25,562,000
              401,000               440,000  British Columbia Buildings Corporation  410,000
              465,000               463,000  British Columbia Ferry Corporation                      -
              465,000               431,000  BC Transportation Financing Authority  545,000
              255,000               274,000  British Columbia Housing Management Commission  279,000
              756,000               814,000  Other  752,000
           2,342,000            2,422,000        1,986,000
               (28,000)                 49,000  Less: Consolidation adjustments (31,000)
           2,314,000            2,471,000 Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations 5        1,955,000
                   3,000  Goverance Authorities (MCFD) 283,000
                     3,000 Regional Authorities 6           283,000
28,633,309 28,475,000 Total Expense      27,800,000
1 The 2002/03 Estimates and Revised Forecast amounts have been restated to be consistent with the 2003/04 Estimates presentation. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation of all expense restatements. 
2 See page 13 for details on Other Appropriations.
3 Expenses are reported after deducting cost recoveries received from other entities within, and external to, the Consolidated Revenue Fund.  On consolidation the recoveries are reported as spending increases.
4 Grants and other payments between the Consolidated Revenue Fund and the taxpayer-supported Crown corporations/agencies and regional authorities are eliminated to avoid double counting.
5 See Schedule K for details on revenues and expenses.
6 See Schedule M for details on revenues and expenses.