Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Transportation Investment Plan

The province has developed a three-year transportation plan that will provide an additional $650 million direct provincial investment in transportation infrastructure from 2003/04 to 2005/06. This will in turn leverage an additional $1.7 billion in investment from federal, private and other partners over the same period.

The transportation plan is based on the following principles:

  • The province will dedicate revenue sources to finance its contributions
  • Provincial spending on new transportation investments will not increase taxpayer-supported debt above previously planned levels
  • Federal cost-sharing will be sought on all eligible projects and programs
  • Additional transportation investment will be leveraged through partnerships with private partners

Three-Year Transportation Investment Plan.

A 3.5 cent per litre increase in the provincial fuel tax will fund new provincial investment in the transportation plan.

Investments funded through contributions from other partners will be financed through a combination of:

  • Federal cost-sharing for eligible projects
  • Direct user-tolls
  • Financing arrangements under partnership agreements with private sector partners

Provincial funding for these projects will total $650 million at the end of 3 years. Adding in partner contributions will increase transportation investments to $2.4 billion. It is projected that when all of these projects are completed, a total investment of $5.5 billion in transportation infrastructure will have been achieved.

Further information on the three-year transportation plan can be found on the Ministry of Transportation website at: www.gov.bc.ca/tran


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