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BUDGET AND FISCAL PLAN — 2002/03 to 2004/05




Revenue and Spending Forecasts  

Fiscal Plan


Building a Strong and Vibrant Economy

Government's overall strategy for restoring confidence in the economy and creating a stable, growing revenue base has four key elements.

1. A stable and competitive policy framework:
2. Ambitious but achievable sector strategies:
3. Sustainable environmental policies:
4. Educational excellence:

Eliminating the Deficit

Three-year Fiscal Plan  

Economic Outlook


% Change   Real GDP  

% Change   BC Real GDP  


CRF Revenues  

Crown Corporations

Revenue Measures

Spending Plan

A) Operating Spending

Ministry Spending  

2002/03 Spending   2002/03 Revenues  

B) Capital Spending

Capital Spending  

Managing Risks to the Fiscal Plan


Total debt  


BUDGET AND FISCAL PLAN — 2002/03 to 2004/05

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