Bill 2 — Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2002
Honourable Gary Collins
Minister of Finance
This bill amends nine statutes to implement non-tax
initiatives announced in the 2002 provincial budget reports: Emergency
Program Act, the Financial Administration Act, the Fisheries
Renewal Act, the Forest Renewal Act, the Grazing Enhancement Fund
Special Account Act, the Industrial Development Incentive Act, the Natural
Resource Community Fund Act, the Science and Technology Fund Act and
the Small Business Development Act.
Emergency Program Act
- section 16 (1) is amended to ensure expenditures from the statutory
appropriation are limited to responding to imminent or actual emergencies or
Financial Administration Act
- as part of the restructuring of the capital planning process, section 56.1
(2) is amended to enable the Ministers of Education, Advanced Education and
Health Services, or another Minister designated by the Lieutenant Governor
in Council, to issue prepaid capital advances to their respective
institutions (i.e., school districts, universities, colleges and institutes,
health authorities);
- the current section 56.1 (2) provides that all prepaid capital advances
are to be made by the Minister of Finance.
Fisheries Renewal Act
- repeals Act effective March 31, 2002;
- dissolves Fisheries Renewal BC (FishRBC) and rescinds appointments to
FishRBC board;
- transfers all FishRBC assets to the government and deems references to
FishRBC in documents to be references to the government;
- provides authority to pay any FishRBC debts or liabilities assumed by the
government out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund; and
- removes provisions of the Act that require a business plan be prepared and
presented to the Legislative Assembly for the 2002/03 fiscal year.
Forest Renewal Act
- repeals Act and Supplement effective March 31, 2002;
- dissolves Forest Renewal BC (FRBC) and rescinds appointments to the FRBC
- transfers all FRBC assets and liabilities to the government and deems
references to FRBC in documents to be references to the government;
- removes provisions of the Act that require a business plan be prepared and
presented to the Legislative Assembly for the 2002/03 fiscal year; and
- removes related consequential amendments to other Acts (e.g. Forest
Practices Code Act)
Grazing Enhancement Fund Special Account Act
- legislation is repealed to dissolve the Grazing Enhancement Fund effective
March 31, 2002.
- contributes to the government's commitment to eliminate business
Industrial Development Incentive Act
- legislation is repealed to dissolve the Industrial Incentive Fund
effective March 31, 2002;
- contributes to the government's commitment to eliminate business
Natural Resource Community Fund Act
- legislation is repealed to dissolve the Natural Resource Community Service
Fund (NRCF) effective March 31, 2002;
- the fund has been inactive for many years and is no longer needed.
Science and Technology Fund Act
- legislation is repealed to dissolve the Science and Technology Fund
effective March 31, 2002;
- some activities funded under this Act are now funded from within the
- other activities have been eliminated.
Small Business Development Act
- legislation is repealed to dissolve the Small Business Incentive Fund
effective March 31, 2002;
- contributes to the government's commitment to eliminate business
Bill 3 — Taxation Statutes Amendment Act, 2002
Honourable Gary Collins
Minister of Finance
This bill amends four taxation statutes to implement tax initiatives
announced in the 2002 provincial budget reports: the Income Tax Act, the Motor
Fuel Tax Act, the Social Service Tax Act, and the Tobacco Tax Act.
The bill also amends tax or royalty-related sections in three other statutes:
the Home Owner Grant Act, the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act and
the School Act for taxation purposes.
Home Owner Grant Act
The Home Owner Grant for persons with disabilities, introduced in 1981,
provides an additional $275 annually (on top of the basic home owner grant) to
homeowners with a permanent disability or who are living with a person with a
permanent disability. The intent of the additional grant is to provide financial
relief to persons who, due to a loss of mobility, are required to make costly
modifications to their home or to pay for physical assistance to allow them to
live independently:
- the legislation is amended to confirm the use of the supplementary form
for the years 1997-2001 inclusive and to confirm the requirement that
applicants incur substantial costs for physical assistance or structural
modifications in the home;
- effective for 2002, regulatory changes are introduced to eliminate the
supplementary form and replace it and the old Form B with a new simplified
form. The homeowner rather than a physician, will verify that costs are
incurred for physical assistance or structural modifications to the home;
- a regulation is introduced to ensure that homeowners who qualified for a
grant in 2001 will qualify for the grant in 2002.
Income Tax Act
- this Act is amended to:
- change tax adjustment rates for the overseas employment tax credit,
alternative minimum tax and the credit for alternative minimum tax. The
adjustment is consistent with recent reductions in federal and provincial
personal income tax rates;
- increase the personal income tax disability-related tax credits; and
- increase the refundable sales tax credit by increasing the amount per
adult to $75 from $50;
- Income eligible for the small business tax rate is increased to $300,000
from $200,000.
Motor Fuel Tax Act
- TransLink motor fuel tax rate is increased by two cents per litre,
effective April 1, 2002. This reflects an agreement between the government
and TransLink to facilitate the increase as long as TransLink
raises an equivalent amount from other sources.
Petroleum and Natural Gas Act
- authority is provided to extend retroactively the eligibility period for
acquisitions of land to which the Base 9 royalty rate for non conservation
gas may be applied from December 31, 2001 to December 31, 2003;
- the Base 9 royalty is set at a minimum rate of 9 per cent, and the rate
increases with the price of natural gas to a maximum of 27 per cent. The
opportunity to acquire land subject to Base 9 royalties expired on December
31, 2001. Without the extension, natural gas production from land acquired
after that date would be subject to Base 12 royalties -- royalties that are
set at a minimum rate of 12 per cent and increase with natural gas prices to
a maximum of 27 per cent. At current natural gas prices, both Base 9 and
Base 12 royalties are being paid at the maximum 27 per cent rate;
- authority to extend the eligibility period must be retroactive because
January land sales have already occurred.
School Act
- this amendment allows the province to set different provincial residential
school property tax rates for different parts of the same school district.
This authority will only be used in limited situations where disparities in
average values among communities in the same school district become extreme;
Social Service Tax Act
- effective February 20, 2002, the general sales tax rate is increased to
7.5 per cent from 7 per cent. Other tax rates under the Social Service
Tax Act (liquor, vehicle surtax, and TransLink's parking tax)
will remain unchanged. The multijurisdictional vehicle tax rates (tax paid
in lieu of provincial sales tax on commercial vehicles that travel in more
than one jurisdiction) will change on October 1, 2002 to reflect the general
tax rate increase;
- effective July 1, 2002, the start of the school year, a refund is provided
to parent advisory councils (PACs) and school boards for tax paid on goods
purchased for schools with PAC-raised funds;
- a tax exemption is introduced for boats and travel trailers that are
brought into the province by non-residents for non-commercial use, effective
February 20, 2002;
- retroactive to January 1, 1996, the legislation is amended to allow
multijurisdictional pick-up trucks and service vehicles that are licensed
under a pro-rate agreement to qualify for the multijurisdictional vehicle
- retroactive to March 31, 1998, an exemption is introduced for chemicals
required to produce ammonium bisulfite in a pulp production process;
- retroactive to March 31, 1998, the legislation is amended to ensure that
royalty payments and licence fees are taxable even if they are made in
respect of goods that were purchased more than six years previously and,
therefore, beyond the six year assessment period;
- effective June 1, 2002, authority is given to TransLink to set its
parking tax rate at up to 21 per cent within the Greater Vancouver
transportation service area. A binding Cost Sharing Agreement between the
previous government and TransLink obligated the province to provide
this authority.
Tobacco Tax Act
- effective February 20, 2002, the cigarette tax rate is increased by $8 per
carton of 200, or to 15 cents from 11 cents per cigarette. The fine-cut
tobacco tax rate is increased by an equivalent amount to 15 cents from 11
cents per gram.
Bill 4 — Corporation Capital Tax Amendment Act, 2002
Honourable Gary Collins
Minister of Finance
This bill amends the Corporation Capital Tax Act to implement tax
initiatives announced in the 2002 provincial budget reports.
Corporation Capital Tax Act
- the investment allowance currently available to credit unions is extended
to banks and trust companies;
- the calculation of paid up capital for branches of foreign banks is
adjusted to ensure that foreign banks are taxed in a manner that is
equivalent to how domestic banks are taxed;
- the legislation is streamlined to remove all references to general
corporations and special calculations previously required in respect of
partnership interests.