Summary |
$000 |
Estimates 2001/021 |
Vote |
Estimates 2002/03 |
Net |
No. |
Gross |
Recoveries |
Net |
Voted Appropriations |
427,135 |
14 |
Ministry Operations....................................................... |
419,256 |
(4,195) |
415,061 |
45,468 |
15 |
Treaty Negotiations Office............................................... |
52,897 |
(1,704) |
51,193 |
33,008 |
16 |
Statutory Services........................................................ |
30,000 |
— |
30,000 |
48,411 |
17 |
Judiciary...................................................................... |
50,360 |
— |
50,360 |
554,022 |
Total Voted Expense ................................... |
552,513 |
(5,899) |
546,614 |
Special Accounts (Statutory Authority) |
17,783 |
Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia................ |
18,488 |
(440) |
18,048 |
(8,169) |
Less Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote............... |
(8,434) |
— |
(8,434) |
9,614 |
Total Special Accounts (net of transfers)................... |
10,054 |
(440) |
9,614 |
563,636 |
Total Operating Expense .............................. |
562,567 |
(6,339) |
556,228 |
3,815 |
Fulltime Equivalent (FTE) Employment |
3,635 |
248,921 |
Salaries and Benefits..................................................... |
254,080 |
254,080 |
175,346 |
Operating Costs............................................................ |
174,591 |
174,591 |
137,690 |
Government Transfers................................................... |
125,227 |
125,227 |
36,394 |
Other Expenses........................................................... |
34,586 |
34,586 |
(26,339) |
Internal Recoveries....................................................... |
(25,917) |
(25,917) |
(8,376) |
External Recoveries...................................................... |
(6,339) |
(6,339) |
563,636 |
Total Expense .............................................. |
562,567 |
(6,339) |
556,228 |
Disbursements |
Receipts |
Net |
— |
Prepaid Capital Advances 2........................................... |
— |
— |
— |
25,147 |
Capital Expenditures 3 .................................................. |
25,572 |
— |
25,572 |
3,973 |
Loan, Investment and Other Requirements 4..................... |
3,897 |
(925) |
2,972 |
29,120 |
Total ..................................................................... |
29,469 |
(925) |
28,544 |
1 For comparative purposes only, figures shown for 2001/02 expense, FTEs and capital expenditures have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2002/03 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. |
2 Details of prepaid capital advances are presented in Schedule C. |
3 Details of capital expenditures are presented in Schedule D. |
4 Details of loan, investment and other requirements are presented in Schedule E. |
Vote 14 |
Classification by Sub-Vote |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
469 |
Minister's Office......................................................................... |
474 |
46,470 |
Corporate Services (net of recoveries).......................................... |
49,872 |
2,967 |
— Executive......................................................................... |
3,385 |
39,423 |
— Management Services........................................................ |
43,105 |
4,080 |
— Policy, Planning and Legislation........................................... |
3,382 |
137,917 |
Court Services (net of recoveries)................................................ |
141,979 |
112,957 |
— Registry and Trial Support................................................... |
114,394 |
24,960 |
— Security and Escorts.......................................................... |
27,585 |
25,079 |
Legal Services (net of recoveries)................................................ |
23,198 |
82,056 |
Criminal Justice (net of recoveries)............................................... |
83,450 |
115,540 |
Justice Services (net of recoveries).............................................. |
99,360 |
565 |
— Justice Services Management............................................. |
522 |
87,800 |
— Legal Aid.......................................................................... |
71,910 |
17,636 |
— Family Justice Programs.................................................... |
16,259 |
8,823 |
— Family Justice Services..................................................... |
9,721 |
716 |
— Dispute Resolution Office..................................................... |
948 |
19,604 |
Agencies, Boards and Commissions............................................ |
16,728 |
427,135 |
Total Vote ............................................................ |
415,061 |
VOTE DESCRIPTION This vote provides for ministry programs and operations including: (a) Minister’s Office – This sub-vote provides for the office of the Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations, and includes salaries, benefits, allowances and operating expenses of the Attorney General and the minister's staff. (b) Corporate Services – This sub-vote provides support services for the Ministry of Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations, and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. Corporate capital funds are also held in this sub-vote for these ministries. This includes: (i) Executive – provides for management and direction, audit services, and other services, the investigation of matters related to the administration of the Correction Act and court services. Government transfers are provided to agencies and societies that provide services that complement ministry programs and to First Nations and others in support of aboriginal issues; (ii) Management Services – provides financial, budget and administrative support, freedom of information and protection of privacy services, information systems services, personnel services, facility services and other support services. It also provides for centralized corporate costs. Government transfers are provided to agencies and societies providing services that complement ministry programs. Recoveries are received from other ministries and from parties external to government for corporate services; and (iii) Policy, Planning and Legislation – provides support services, including management, policy, legislation, planning, program development and support for independent agencies, boards and commissions. Government transfers are provided to agencies and societies providing services that complement ministry programs. (c) Court Services - This sub-vote provides for judicial administration and other services, including the provision, operation and maintenance of the courts. This includes: (i) Registry and Trial Support - provides for management of branch programs, including administrative and support services and support to the Superior and Provincial Courts, including administrative services, translating, reporting and recording services, facilities, and operational systems. Recoveries are received from municipal governments for costs related to by-law hearings, from litigants for costs associated with video conferencing, and from the federal government for costs relating to the Drug Court; and (ii) Security and Escorts - provides for Sheriffs in both Superior and Provincial Courts, for court security, escort of prisoners and document services. Recoveries are received for civil jury trial costs. (d) Legal Services - This sub-vote provides for legal services to the province and various boards, commissions and societies, including legal advice, representation in civil litigation, and drafting, preparing, filing and publishing statutes, regulations and Orders in Council. This sub-vote also provides for administration of Orders in Council and appeals to the Executive Council. Government transfers are provided for justice system policy issues. Recoveries are received from other ministries, boards and commissions for legal services provided. |
Vote 14 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
402 |
387 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
67 |
87 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
469 |
474 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
20,317 |
21,176 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
26,783 |
28,102 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
544 |
644 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
16 |
25 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(64) |
(64) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(1,126) |
(11) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
46,470 |
49,872 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
67,008 |
69,993 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
72,524 |
72,430 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
311 |
310 |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(1,926) |
(754) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
137,917 |
141,979 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
20,611 |
20,217 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
28,798 |
27,332 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
31 |
31 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
162 |
141 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(24,133) |
(24,133) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(390) |
(390) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
25,079 |
23,198 |
Vote 14 |
(e) Criminal Justice - This sub-vote provides for operation of Crown counsel services, including approval and conduct of criminal prosecutions and appeals of offences, advice to government on all criminal law matters, responsibility for all other matters mandated by the Crown Counsel Act, and support services to victims of crime. Recoveries are received from the federal government for costs relating to the Drug Court and from the Victims of Crime Special Account for implementation of the Victims of Crime Act. (f) Justice Services – This sub-vote provides for justice services to clients, litigants, government ministries as well as to individuals who are eligible to receive legal aid assistance. Justice Services provides administration and services related to the Family Relations Act, Family Maintenance Enforcement Act and Debtor Assistance Act. This sub-vote includes: (i) Justice Services Management – provides for administration and management of justice services throughout the province; (ii) Legal Aid – provides a grant to the Legal Services Society. Recoveries for legal aid costs, including criminal, young offenders and immigration are received from the federal government; (iii) Family Justice Programs – provides for administration of maintenance enforcement, personal search, inter-jurisdictional reciprocal order services, debt counselling and debt repayment service. Government transfers are provided to the private sector for family maintenance enforcement activities to assist vulnerable parties and decrease reliance on other government services. Recoveries are received from the federal government for enforcement activities; (iv) Family Justice Services – provides for the administration and operation of alternative-to-court dispute resolution services for separating and divorcing parents and their children. Government transfers are provided to the private sector and not-for-profit societies for services to facilitate alternative-to-court resolution of family disputes. Recoveries are received from the federal government for family justice services initiatives projects; and (v) Dispute Resolution Office – develops and promotes non-adversarial dispute resolution options within the justice system and throughout government. Government transfers are provided for justice system policy issues. (g) Agencies, Boards and Commissions - This sub-vote provides for various boards, commissions and offices under the jurisdiction of the Attorney General, including the operations of the British Columbia Board of Review, British Columbia Human Rights Commission, British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, Children’s Commission, Expropriation Compensation Board, and adult guardianship legislation and other expenditures for the Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia. Government transfers are provided to organizations to promote human rights initiatives and for legal representation for proceedings under the BC Human Rights Code. |
Vote 14 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
59,881 |
60,421 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
24,456 |
24,037 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
181 |
— |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
569 |
775 |
Internal Recoveries.......................................................................................................................... |
(2,142) |
(1,720) |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(889) |
(63) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
82,056 |
83,450 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
9,300 |
10,582 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
4,855 |
7,302 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
103,159 |
84,432 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
19 |
21 |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(1,793) |
(2,977) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
115,540 |
99,360 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
6,909 |
4,634 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
4,221 |
3,355 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
305 |
305 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
8,169 |
8,434 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
19,604 |
16,728 |
Vote 15 |
Classification by Sub-Vote |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
11,650 |
Negotiations.............................................................................................................. |
8,402 |
13,304 |
Negotiations Support ................................................................................................. |
12,125 |
20,514 |
Treaty Settlement and Implementation Costs (net of recoveries)........................................ |
20,666 |
— |
Economic Measures.................................................................................................. |
10,000 |
45,468 |
Total Vote ...................................................................................................... |
51,193 |
VOTE DESCRIPTION This vote provides for ministry programs and activities including: (a) Negotiations - This sub-vote provides for coordination and management of the province’s participation in the negotiation of, and consultation on, treaties, economic measures, and other specific issues with First Nations, the federal government, third party advisory groups and others. Provision is made for government transfers to First Nations and others in respect of their participation in the treaty process; and to various First Nations and other organizations for economic measures, and aboriginal community development. (b) Negotiations Support - This sub-vote provides for treaty mandate and policy development; treaty implementation support; province-wide consultation; treaty related measures implementation and negotiation of cost-sharing arrangements with the federal government. Government transfers are provided to First Nations and others in respect of their participation in the treaty process and for economic measures; and for aboriginal community development. (c) Treaty Settlement and Implementation Costs - This sub-vote provides for the settlement and implementation costs of treaty agreements which have been ratified by British Columbia, Canada and First Nations. Costs are amortized over the period of the capital transfer identified in the agreements. The sub-vote also provides for payments to the McLeod Lake Indian Band under the McLeod Lake Adhesion to Treaty No. 8 and Settlement Agreement and for third party costs. Recoveries are received from the federal government. (d) Economic Measures - This sub-vote provides for government transfers to First Nations and others to facilitate treaties; assist in the resolution of land and resource issues; and enhance First Nation participation in economic development. |
Vote 15 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
6,063 |
5,047 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
1,813 |
1,533 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
3,858 |
1,822 |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(84) |
— |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
11,650 |
8,402 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
3,079 |
3,605 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
834 |
640 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
9,499 |
7,880 |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(108) |
— |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
13,304 |
12,125 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
92 |
94 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
110 |
110 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
19,500 |
19,500 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
2,512 |
2,666 |
External Recoveries......................................................................................................................... |
(1,700) |
(1,704) |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
20,514 |
20,666 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
— |
10,000 |
Vote 16 |
Classification by Sub-Vote |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
30,000 |
Crown Proceeding Act............................................................................................... |
30,000 |
3,008 |
Inquiry Act................................................................................................................ |
— |
33,008 |
Total Vote ...................................................................................................... |
30,000 |
VOTE DESCRIPTION This vote provides for payments made under statutory authority for: (a) Crown Proceeding Act - This sub-vote provides for payments made under the authority of the Crown Proceeding Act. (b) Inquiry Act - This sub-vote provided for the costs of commissions issued and inquiries conducted under the Inquiry Act. |
Vote 16 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
30,000 |
30,000 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
508 |
— |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
2,500 |
— |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
3,008 |
— |
Vote 17 |
Classification by Sub-Vote |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
10,844 |
Superior Courts......................................................................................................... |
11,476 |
37,567 |
Provincial Courts....................................................................................................... |
38,884 |
48,411 |
Total Vote ...................................................................................................... |
50,360 |
VOTE DESCRIPTION This vote provides for operation of the judiciary including: (a) Superior Courts - This sub-vote provides for administrative and support services for the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court located in the province. (b) Provincial Courts - This sub-vote provides for the operational budget for the Provincial Court of British Columbia. Government transfers are provided to the Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges and to the British Columbia Courthouse Library Society. |
Vote 17 |
Group Account Classification |
Estimates 2001/02 $000 |
Estimates 2002/03 $000 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
9,362 |
9,851 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
1,469 |
1,370 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
13 |
255 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
10,844 |
11,476 |
Salaries and Benefits........................................................................................................................ |
33,908 |
35,026 |
Operating Costs............................................................................................................................... |
3,380 |
3,579 |
Government Transfers...................................................................................................................... |
213 |
213 |
Other Expenses.............................................................................................................................. |
66 |
66 |
Total .................................................................................................................................. |
37,567 |
38,884 |
Special Account |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
$000 |
7,742 |
Total Account Balance at the Beginning of the Fiscal Year ............ |
8,400 |
Operating Transactions |
18,035 |
Revenue................................................................................... |
19,652 |
17,783 |
Expense................................................................................... |
18,048 |
252 |
252 |
Net Revenue (Expense) ............................................................. |
1,604 |
1,604 |
406 |
Difference Between 2001/02 Estimates and
Projected Actual Net |
8,400 |
Total Account Balance at the End of the Fiscal Year....................... |
10,004 |
Financing Transactions |
Loans, Investments and Capital Asset Acquisitions |
— |
Receipts .................................................................................... |
— |
1,144 |
Disbursements – capital ............................................................... |
524 |
— |
– other ................................................................ |
— |
(1,144) |
(1,144) |
Net Cash Source (Requirement) .................................................. |
(524) |
(524) |
559 |
Difference Between 2001/02
Estimates and Projected Actual Net Cash |
(585) |
Total Financing Transactions ........................................................ |
(524) |
SPECIAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION This account was created by the Public Trustee Amendment Act, 1989. The purpose of the account is to provide services to clients of the Public Guardian and Trustee, including the protection of certain property rights of children such as litigation settlements and other children's funds held in trust, property and personal care substitute decision-making for adults incapable of managing their own affairs, administration of the estates of the deceased where no other person is willing or able to act, and administration of the affairs of missing persons. Revenue represents fees and commissions paid by clients of the Public Guardian and Trustee for services rendered, and transfers from the Ministry Operations Vote. Expenses are for costs directly related to the provision of services to clients and for administration. Recoveries are received for the reimbursement of expenses paid on behalf of clients. |
Financing Transaction |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
957 |
Receipts ............................................................................................................................. |
925 |
957 |
Disbursements .................................................................................................................... |
925 |
— |
Net Cash Source (Requirement) ..................................................................................... |
— |
FINANCING TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION Interest (disbursements) is credited to certain trust funds and deposits belonging to third parties, which are held by and are under the general administration or trusteeship of the province, on the basis of earnings received (receipts) from the investment of these funds or as specified by provincial statutes. Administration costs are funded through the ministry's voted appropriations. |
Financing Transaction |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
— |
Receipts ............................................................................................................................. |
— |
3,973 |
Disbursements .................................................................................................................... |
2,972 |
(3,973) |
Net Cash Source (Requirement) ..................................................................................... |
(2,972) |
FINANCING TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION Payments (disbursements) are made to First Nations in accordance with treaty agreements and for the implementation costs of the agreements. These payments are amortized over the period of the capital transfer identified in legislated treaty agreements. Amortization costs are included in the Treaty Negotiations Office Vote. |