Estimates 2001/02 |
Vote * |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
No. |
$000 |
$000 |
Legislation |
43,152 |
1 |
Legislation................................................................................... |
39,332 |
43,152 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
39,332 |
43,152 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
39,332 |
Officers of the Legislature |
7,859 |
2 |
Auditor General............................................................................ |
8,364 |
314 |
3 |
Conflict of Interest Commissioner................................................... |
292 |
33,651 |
4 |
Elections BC............................................................................... |
13,589 |
2,362 |
5 |
Information and Privacy Commissioner........................................... |
2,130 |
1,632 |
6 |
Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate................................ |
1,491 |
4,785 |
7 |
Ombudsman............................................................................... |
4,549 |
1,299 |
8 |
Police Complaint Commissioner.................................................... |
1,101 |
51,902 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
31,516 |
51,902 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
31,516 |
Office of the Premier |
56,204 |
9 |
Office of the Premier..................................................................... |
49,727 |
56,204 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
49,727 |
56,204 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
49,727 |
Ministry of Advanced Education |
1,892,445 |
10 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
1,900,016 |
1,892,445 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
1,900,016 |
86,341 |
(S) |
Industry Training and Apprenticeship............................................... |
78,907 |
(87,090) |
Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote............................................ |
(79,227) |
(749) |
Total Special Accounts (net of transfers)......................................... |
(320) |
1,891,696 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
1,899,696 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries |
59,297 |
11 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
54,428 |
951 |
12 |
British Columbia Marketing Board.................................................. |
980 |
5,800 |
13 |
Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority.............................................. |
8,650 |
66,048 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
64,058 |
20 |
(S) |
Livestock Protection..................................................................... |
20 |
20 |
Total Special Accounts................................................................ |
20 |
66,068 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
64,078 |
* An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. 1 For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2001/02 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2002/03 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Vote * |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
No. |
$000 |
$000 |
Ministry of Attorney General |
427,135 |
14 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
415,061 |
45,468 |
15 |
Treaty Negotiations Office.............................................................. |
51,193 |
33,008 |
16 |
Statutory Services....................................................................... |
30,000 |
48,411 |
17 |
Judiciary..................................................................................... |
50,360 |
554,022 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
546,614 |
17,783 |
(S) |
Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia............................... |
18,048 |
(8,169) |
Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote............................................ |
(8,434) |
9,614 |
Total Special Accounts (net of transfers)......................................... |
9,614 |
563,636 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
556,228 |
Ministry of Children and Family Development |
1,552,658 |
18 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
1,558,430 |
1,552,658 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
1,558,430 |
1,552,658 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
1,558,430 |
Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services |
539,425 |
19 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
535,278 |
11,454 |
20 |
Royal British Columbia Museum.................................................... |
11,004 |
550,879 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
546,282 |
2,820 |
(S) |
First Citizens' Fund...................................................................... |
3,398 |
— |
(S) |
Olympic Arts Fund....................................................................... |
280 |
1,550 |
(S) |
Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund..................................... |
1,726 |
4,142 |
(S) |
University Endowment Lands Administration................................... |
3,142 |
8,512 |
Total Special Accounts................................................................ |
8,546 |
559,391 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
554,828 |
Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise |
65,019 |
21 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
52,180 |
65,019 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
52,180 |
— |
(S) |
Build BC.................................................................................... |
— |
2,500 |
(S) |
Northern Development Fund.......................................................... |
1,500 |
18,186 |
(S) |
Science and Technology Fund....................................................... |
— |
(16,361) |
Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote............................................ |
— |
4,325 |
Total Special Accounts (net of transfers)......................................... |
1,500 |
69,344 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
53,680 |
Ministry of Education |
4,841,994 |
22 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
4,861,081 |
4,841,994 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
4,861,081 |
4,841,994 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
4,861,081 |
* An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. 1 For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2001/02 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2002/03 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Vote * |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
No. |
$000 |
$000 |
Ministry of Energy and Mines |
63,610 |
23 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
47,429 |
1 |
24 |
British Columbia Utilities Commission............................................. |
1 |
2,500 |
25 |
Resource Revenue Sharing Agreements......................................... |
2,500 |
66,111 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
49,930 |
1,001 |
(S) |
Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline........................................... |
214 |
1,001 |
Total Special Accounts................................................................ |
214 |
67,112 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
50,144 |
Ministry of Finance |
28,667 |
26 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
27,216 |
28,667 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
27,216 |
— |
(S) |
Provincial Treasury Revenue Program........................................... |
— |
— |
Total Special Accounts................................................................ |
— |
28,667 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
27,216 |
Ministry of Forests |
268,200 |
27 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
243,682 |
131,090 |
28 |
Fire Suppression.......................................................................... |
101,092 |
293,900 |
29 |
Forest Investment........................................................................ |
146,000 |
693,190 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
490,774 |
2,293 |
(S) |
Forest Stand Management Fund..................................................... |
2,293 |
131,679 |
(S) |
Small Business Forest Enterprise Program...................................... |
124,019 |
4,503 |
(S) |
South Moresby Implementation - Forest Replacement....................... |
3,828 |
138,475 |
Total Special Accounts................................................................ |
130,140 |
831,665 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
620,914 |
Ministry of Health Planning |
26,436 |
30 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
16,633 |
26,436 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
16,633 |
26,436 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
16,633 |
Ministry of Health Services |
9,364,361 |
31 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
10,053,791 |
7,203 |
32 |
Vital Statistics.............................................................................. |
7,109 |
9,371,564 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
10,060,900 |
(15,000) |
Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote............................................ |
(15,000) |
144,500 |
(S) |
Health Special Account................................................................. |
144,500 |
15,000 |
(S) |
Medical and Health Care Services................................................. |
15,000 |
144,500 |
Total Special Accounts (net of transfers)......................................... |
144,500 |
9,516,064 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
10,205,400 |
* An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. 1 For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2001/02 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2002/03 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Vote * |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
No. |
$000 |
$000 |
Ministry of Human Resources |
1,936,707 |
33 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
1,789,143 |
1,936,707 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
1,789,143 |
1,936,707 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
1,789,143 |
Ministry of Management Services |
39,545 |
34 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
38,570 |
26,002 |
35 |
Public Service Employee Relations Commission............................. |
9,272 |
1 |
36 |
Product Sales and Services.......................................................... |
1 |
65,548 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
47,843 |
65,548 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
47,843 |
Ministry of Provincial Revenue |
49,772 |
37 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
45,253 |
49,772 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
45,253 |
25 |
(S) |
Provincial Home Acquisition.......................................................... |
25 |
25 |
Total Special Accounts................................................................ |
25 |
49,797 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
45,278 |
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General |
451,964 |
38 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
461,469 |
36,056 |
39 |
Statutory Services....................................................................... |
29,982 |
488,020 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
491,451 |
7,294 |
(S) |
Victims of Crime Act.................................................................... |
7,319 |
679 |
(S) |
Forfeited Crime Proceeds Fund...................................................... |
6,176 |
1,557 |
(S) |
Inmate Work Program................................................................... |
1,545 |
9,530 |
Total Special Accounts................................................................ |
15,040 |
497,550 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
506,491 |
Ministry of Skills Development and Labour |
29,896 |
40 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
28,728 |
29,896 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
28,728 |
29,896 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
28,728 |
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management |
123,662 |
41 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
114,626 |
3,347 |
42 |
Land Reserve Commission........................................................... |
2,931 |
127,009 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
117,557 |
6,213 |
(S) |
Crown Land Special Account........................................................ |
213 |
6,213 |
Total Special Accounts................................................................ |
213 |
133,222 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
117,770 |
* An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. 1 For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2001/02 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2002/03 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Vote * |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
No. |
$000 |
$000 |
Ministry of Transportation |
500,023 |
43 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
488,343 |
172,850 |
44 |
Public Transit............................................................................... |
250,162 |
672,873 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
738,505 |
672,873 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
738,505 |
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection |
182,921 |
45 |
Ministry Operations...................................................................... |
131,149 |
182,921 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
131,149 |
31,345 |
(S) |
Sustainable Environment Fund....................................................... |
31,345 |
31,345 |
Total Special Accounts................................................................ |
31,345 |
214,266 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
162,494 |
Management of Public Funds and Debt |
823,000 |
46 |
Management of Public Funds and Debt........................................... |
920,000 |
823,000 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
920,000 |
823,000 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
920,000 |
BC Family Bonus |
120,000 |
47 |
BC Family Bonus........................................................................ |
91,000 |
120,000 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
91,000 |
120,000 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
91,000 |
Government Restructuring (All Ministries) |
95,000 |
48 |
Government Restructuring (All Ministries)........................................ |
230,000 |
95,000 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
230,000 |
95,000 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
230,000 |
Other Appropriations |
224,804 |
49 |
Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs............................ |
210,000 |
1 |
50 |
Commissions on Collection of Public Funds and Allowances for Doubtful Revenue Accounts......................................................... |
1 |
3,842 |
51 |
Environmental Assessment Office.................................................. |
3,470 |
1,967 |
52 |
Environmental Boards and Forest Appeals Commission.................... |
1,967 |
5,073 |
53 |
Forest Practices Board................................................................. |
4,822 |
3,161 |
54 |
Public Sector Employers' Council.................................................. |
1,939 |
30,000 |
55 |
Seismic Mitigation........................................................................ |
50,000 |
14,920 |
Fisheries Renewal BC................................................................. |
— |
283,768 |
Total Voted Expense.................................................................. |
272,199 |
13,249 |
(S) |
Insurance and Risk Management................................................... |
16,715 |
1,025 |
(S) |
Unclaimed Property..................................................................... |
931 |
(2,500) |
Transfer from Vote 11.................................................................... |
— |
2,500 |
(S) |
Grazing Enhancement Fund.......................................................... |
— |
10 |
(S) |
Natural Resource Community Fund................................................ |
— |
14,284 |
Total Special Accounts (net of transfers)......................................... |
17,646 |
298,052 |
Total Expense........................................................................... |
289,845 |
* An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. 1 For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2001/02 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2002/03 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. |
Estimates 2001/02 |
Vote * |
Estimates 2002/03 |
$000 |
$000 |
No. |
$000 |
$000 |
All Appropriations |
24,734,805 |
Total Voted Expense ................................................................. |
25,197,517 |
367,095 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) ............................................... |
358,483 |
25,101,900 |
Total Expense .................................................................. |
25,556,000 |
* An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory authority exists to authorize the expense. 1 For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for 2001/02 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation of the 2002/03 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation. Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. |